Area of Work

Areas of work
  • Social Justice and inclusion – Legal awareness through community sessions, webinars, interactive workshops etc. to strengthen the capacity of people to exercise their rights, either as individuals or as members of a community.
  • Community Services – Volunteer services for betterment of the community of various groups like women, children elders, transgender, disabled with aim to improve their life to live with dignity.
  • Health & Wellness – Life without health and wellness has no meaning.
  • Purposeful life of living is the objective of our Foundation which includes complete physical, mental and social well-being.
  • Capacity Building – Learning and earning by recognition or identifying of one’s area of interest and ability Foundation helps in filling that skill gaps through training to excel in their particular field. It includes livelihood skill development, innovation and entrepreneurship, digital learning, purposeful education etc.
  • Save Environment – To make our earth better place to live we need to come together to save our environment by reducing the pressure on our natural environment .It is our moral duty to preserve the environment for future generation. The motto is spreading awareness among the people regarding importance of plantation of tree, water conservation, Reduce, reuse and recycle concept, Electricity conservation, encouraging for green and plastic free living style etc.
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